Golf Instruction and Book Testimonials

Please leave your book and lesson testimonials below. Thank you for your support!

- Jon Decker


“I've followed Jon Decker's career from a distance after having the good fortune to attend a local golf clinic years ago, where Jon was brought in as the guest instructor. Jon's persuasive enthusiasm and skills as a golf instructor made that clinic a positive experience for myself and all the participants.”

-Paul Carter, Minnesota

“I brought my self-taught swing to Jon, seeking improvement in ball striking and consistency. He quickly identified the flaws causing my frustrations and patiently worked with me as I built confidence in the suggested changes. In just a few short weeks of implementing Jon's expert advice, I saw a noticeable improvement in my confidence and scores. Jon's knowledgeable and personalized approach has made a significant difference in my game. I highly recommend his teaching to anyone looking to elevate their game.”

-Pastor Jimmy Stark

“Jon, I’ve been playing some of my best golf, from August-now, that I have in years and we only had 3 lessons!! I shot 75 today, but most importantly, the short game was solid. Thank you!”

-Jason Howard, Columbus, Ohio

“Jon, I played 9 today and have never shot below 60. I shot 53! Thank you!

-Kathy Coury, Westerville, Ohio

"Jon has worked with my grandson for a few weeks, and the improvement in his game has been nothing short of amazing. Jon's approach to teaching the game of golf (at least for a junior golfer) includes subtle life lessons and the importance of hard work beyond the practice area to build golf skills. It has been great fun for my grandson and me to see the results of the time spent with Jon. Thank you!" 

— Ed Seitz, New Albany, Ohio

“Jon has been a breath of fresh air in my journey to golf improvement. I tend to fall down the rabbit holes of YouTube videos and golf gadgets, and I do not trust my swing. I needed someone to help me eliminate all the swing thoughts and simplify what works for me. Jon quickly corrected my slice with a few small setup changes, and after a few lessons, the power in my shots returned. I can't wait to tackle short-game areas next! I also appreciate the videos on his website, which allow me to go back and absorb the drills that will continue to help build my game. Thanks, Jon!”

- Brandt Bell, Columbus, Ohio

“When I began working with Jon, I was a self-taught golfer with a lot of really bad habits from being a former baseball player. Jon broke down the basics for me: grip, posture, setup - and also focused on short-game fundamentals. In a matter of one season, I went from a 13 to an 8 handicap. I’m now down to a 5 - much thanks to understanding the importance of fundamentals; not just swinging as hard as you can!”

- Kurt Lindamood, New Albany, Ohio

“I started working with Jon earlier this year when I had trouble regaining my form from last year. Jon quickly identified the issue but then challenged me to make some fundamental changes to my game for longer-term success. He gave me some insight into how some teaching theories have evolved and been debunked over the years. It’s never easy to change your grip, set-up, or swing path, but I now feel I better understand my swing and the game that will take me to the next level. The results were slow initially, but I couldn't be happier with the journey and where I'm headed.”

- Ron Fresco, Westerville, Ohio


“I love Jon's vulnerability that he shares in his book and how God used all things for good. Jon has such a positive outlook on life, golf and family that is strengthened by his commitment to Jesus Christ. Read Jon's book... you will enjoy it. Take a golf lesson from Jon... you will get better. Join Jon in his commitment to Jesus Christ… enjoy eternity! Well done good and faithful servant!!”

-Jim Kincaid, Hilton Head, SC

“I read Jon's book and enjoyed meeting him in person. I love that he wrote a book that connected golf and God. Personally, these are two of my favorite things, so I was hooked from the first page. It is great to see someone passionate about "sharing.'“ It can be sharing God's word or tips for golf. Jon is a wonderful person and wrote a great book.”

-Tom Panos, Westerville, Ohio

More testimonials coming soon!

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